Friday, November 15, 2013

©2013 Copyright.All rights reserved

     The definition of copyright is:the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same as stated at

Example 1:If I took pictures and showed them to a friend on a link and he uses the same files thats copyright infringement, because I took the pictures.

Example 2:If I download songs from the internet without permission That's copyright infringement because I don't have permission to download the songs.

     Fair use is the ability to to transform an image or borrow an image from someone without their permission. You can only use the image if you read the terms and conditions.You can get in trouble if you use the image in any other way then the terms tell you.
Example 1:If I go onto a website to use an image to alter I have to read the terms and conditions which is the fair use.If I take the photo and alter it but in some way that I'm not supposed to then I can get into some trouble.

    The overall summary of the Sheppard Fairey case is he took two pictures from photographers without permission.He altered the pictures and vandalized the photos which is copyright infringement.He also tried to tamper with evidence when he was suspected for tampering. 

     The definition of public domains is  works are not protected by copyright law and are, therefore, freely available for everyone to use.  Works may not be protected by copyright for a number of reasons as stated at
The definition of creative commas is  works are works that are still protected by copyright.  However, its authors have chosen to allow certain kinds of uses-- such as being able to copy the work or to share it with others-- without the need to seek permission through Creative Commons license agreements as stated at 

Halloween before image,used with permission,Creative Commas
playing with photoshop,exploring with Liquify,Dodge+Burn and clone stamp tool can do.