I learned many facts about saving water and how simple it is to do our part.There are so many ways we can conserve water on a daily basis,such as turning off the faucet when brushing our teeth.Just by doing that little act we can help so much.
The interesting facts I used from the website http://www.epa.gov/region1/eco/drinkwater/water_conservation_residents.html were simple acts that can help and make a difference such as,take showers instead of baths,and inserting faucet aerators.There are also household machines such as washers that were made to help and conserve water with different settings.
My rough sketches and ideas are here.
My finished PSA informs and educates the viewer by helping to persuade the audience to do their part and help to save water on a daily basis and how simple it is.
PSA Save Water Poster Design by Maranda |